Custom content

This is a more advanced section where you can add multiple content blocks to create a unique layout for your home page.  The custom content section is a great way to add a single video or large, full width image to the home page.

Content Blocks

  • Page - Choose a page that you set up in the Shopify admin to load directly in the section.
  • Image - Upload an image that will either span the page's width (1180px) or the entire browser width. For best results, images should be at least 1180px wide or 1600px wide if you are using the full browser width option.
  • Video - Paste in a video URL from YouTube or Vimeo to automatically embed a video on the homepage. You have the option of allowing this block to span the full browser width
  • Rich Text - Add a title and rich text content block
  • Button - Add a button label and link to set up a large styled button
  • Custom HTML - Advanced feature to manually add HTML to the section. This should only be used if you are comfortable writing and editing HTML content.

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