
With District we give you the ability to fully customize your "coming soon" password page before you launch your store.  In the Password page settings you can upload a shop logo, set the text details, turn on a subscribe form and share buttons, as well as customizing the page's colors and background image.


  • Logo - Upload or choose from an existing logo file
  • Logo width - Set how wide the logo should appear in pixels
  • Heading - Customize the title of the password page
  • Show newsletter form - Turn on the subscribe form. You can customize how the email address is collected in General Settings > Newsletter
  • Newsletter form heading - Set the text above the newsletter form
  • Show social share buttons - Turns on Facebook's recommend and like, Twitter's tweet, Pinterest's pin, Google Plus' +1, and Fancy's save buttons. You can customize which buttons you want to use in General Settings > Social Media
    Note: In the Theme Editor preview window, not all of the buttons will display and work inside the iframe preview. For security reasons, Facebook prevents the button from appearing inside iframes.  Once you view your shop directly in the browser it will appear as expected.
  • Social sharing buttons heading - Set the text above sharing
  • Colors - Set the text, title background and accent colors for the password page
  • Background image - Upload a background image that will fill the entire background of the browser. We recommend using an image that is at least 1500 x 1100px knowing that the sides or top/bottom might be cropped depending on the visitor's browser

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