Customizing individual templates
With Shopify's new theme editor, you now customize each of the theme templates for the home page, product, collections and more by browsing to those pages in the editor preview window. For example, if you want to edit the Product page settings use your shops navigation or click through to an individual product.
Overview of District's templates you can edit and customize
Theme Editor URLs
As you browse from the home page to collections to products you will see your browser URL change to show you what template you are editing. Additionally you can manually type in a template URL to go directly to the harder to find templates.
- After the word editor at the end of the URL add #/ followed by one of the valid URLs in your shop
After you type in a part of the URL like #/collections hit return on your keyboard and then refresh your browser
Now the theme editor will open the preview window to that specific page and give you the template options in the Sections tab
Here is a list of links common templates you might want to edit in addition to your shop's unique product, blog and article URLs. These links should take you to the specific templates of your active, published theme: