Blog posts
Feature your blog's most recent posts on the home page by adding this section. Using the sections' options you can choose how many blog posts should appear as well as enabling many of the common blog article features.
Section Options
- Heading - Add an optional title to the section
- Blog - Choose which blog you should load into the section. See Shopify's guide on setting up blogs and adding blog posts for more details.
- Button label - Choose the text that appears for the link to the blog. Leaving the label empty will remove the button from the layout.
- Posts - Choose between 2, 3, 4 and 6 blog posts that will appear on the home page. With 2 and 4 there will be two blog posts show in each row, and with 3 and 6 three blog posts will be show in each row.
- Text alignment - Set the text alignment for the blog's content.
- Show blog image first - Display the blog's featured image before or after the title
- Show dates - Display the date the blog post was added directly below the title
- Show post excerpt - If you have added an excerpt to your blog post check this option to display the excerpt
- Show read more button - Display a styled read more button below each post