Featured collection

Add collections of products to your home page with the featured collection and featured collection with text sections.  The sections allows you to customize which collection appears and choose how many products to show, but each section has slightly different layout options.

Featured Collection

The featured collection section adds a uniform grid of 4, 8, 12 or 16 product in rows of 4 products across.

  • Heading - Add an optional title
  • Center heading - Choose if the heading and button should be centered across the page
  • Button label and button link - Set up a text label and link to add a styled button to the collection. Often it is useful to set up a collection only to determine the products that appear on the home page, but then link to a seperate collection.
  • Collection - Choose which collection of products to load. Learn how to set up collections in the Shopify adminUse the Shopify admin to set the default sort order of products.
  • Number of products - Choose between 4, 8, 12 and 16 products to load into the section

Featured Collection with Text 

The featured collection with text allows you to add a brief description to your collection, and it gives you the option for a unique layout where the title and description is included in the grid.

  • Heading - Add an optional title
  • Text - Write a short description about the collection you are featuring
  • Button label and button link - Set up a text label and link to add a styled button to the collection. Often it is useful to set up a collection only to determine the products that appear on the home page, but then link to a seperate collection.
  • Collection - Choose which collection of products to load. Learn how to set up collections in the Shopify adminUse the Shopify admin to set the default sort order of products.
  • Number of products - Choose between 2, 4, 6 and 8 products to load into the section. The layout will vary depending on the number of products you select.

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