Image with text
Set up a two column section on the homepage where you can easily place an image to the left or right of a title and body of text. You can get creative with this feature by adding multiple Image with text sections alternating the left and right layout image placement.
Layout Options
- Show spacing around section - This will enable the typical margins between each section. If you turn this option off you could set up multiple, edge-to-edge sections where the images are placed close to each other.
- Image - Upload an image to be used for the section. For best results, the image should be at least 600px wide and it looks best if the image is taller than the overall text you will be adding.
- Layout - Choose if the image should be placed to the left or right of the text
- Text align - Choose between left, center and right alignment for the text
- Heading - Add an optional title for the section's text
- Text - Add rich text to the section. Ideally the text should be short and to the point in order to prevent if from being taller than the image.
- Button label and button link - Set up both options to add a styled button directly below the section's text.
For best results, the image should be at least 600px wide and it looks best if the image is taller than the overall text you will be adding.